Septic Dos & Don’ts

Septic System Best Practices in Renton, WA

At Neighbor's Septic in Renton, WA, we understand the importance of a well-maintained septic system for the smooth operation of your home. We've compiled a list of valuable tips and tricks to help you keep your septic system in top-notch condition. Whether you're a long-time septic system owner or new to the world of onsite wastewater treatment, our tips will guide you in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your system. If you have any questions, call our team at (425) 226-2302.
Opening A Septic Tank — Renton, WA — Neighbor’s Septic

Septic System Dos

  • Since they are underground, keep records of where the essential parts of the septic system are for maintenance and pumping.
  • Keep records of when you’ve had maintenance or repairs done. When they are years apart, it can be hard to remember.
  • Try to keep chemical cleaners like bleach to a minimum. Excessive amounts of these can be harmful.
  • Space out your laundry throughout the week instead of doing it all at once. Use liquid detergents instead of powders.
  • Use water-conserving devices in your home. Low-usage water fixtures and more efficient appliances can reduce the amount of water sent into your septic system by thousands of gallons a year.
  • Use run water in drains less often to avoid inside odors.

Septic System Don’ts

Keep as much as possible of the following out of your septic system:
  • Cigarette butts
  • Paper towels
  • Coffee grounds
  • Hair
  • Wipes
  • Trash
  • Diapers
  • Tampons
  • Kitchen grease
  • Harsh or harmful chemicals
Garbage disposals are not recommended as they promote washing more solids down the drain and will stress your septic system more. If you use a garbage disposal, a more extensive system may be needed, or you should pump more often.

Need help with your septic system? Call us at (425) 226-2302.

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